Sunday, November 29, 2009

Wilson Family

What a cute little family! Ryan, Garrett and Taylor did great when I photographed them. It was so cute to see Ryan trying to hold Taylor (the littlest one), she did a great job :) We took advantage of the playground they have in their front yard and laid a blanket down so they could hangout and relax a little. Taylor was such a little peanut I could not get over how cute she was and had such a fun sweater on with a pom-pom on her hood... great for photos!

Elle Bell turns 3!

I took Elle's 3 year old birthday pictures and she was so sweet. I have photographed her before and she loves to run away from the camera and run circles around me while laughing :) This time she LOVED to pose for me and see the pictures on my camera afterward :) We went on a walk and explored a bit which was nice to get a bit of variety, her mom and mom-mom joined us. To sum up how the photo shoot went I would say we had a BLAST, you can just tell by looking at her photos! :)

Happy 3rd Birthday Elle, you ROCK!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Brawner Bunch

These three could not of looked any more stylish, I loved it!! Ally, Johnny and Sarah were great. They smiled when I asked them too and looked very natural while doing it. The weather was not all that great, but you would of never known it. They were champs! Here are a few from their photo session... I couldn't get over how beautiful Sarah's eyes were (the little one) and she even looked right at me so I could capture them up close :)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Landen... touchdown!

Landen is just about a year old and has quite the little personality. He loves football and motions "TOUCH DOWN" and "HUT HUT!" Landen has many facial expressions that are very entertaining but when it comes down to it he is just too cute either way, scrunched face, serious face or that precious little smile :)

Here he is doing his HUT HUT motion with the football


Best Buds! (Landen and Madelyn)

Sweet Madelyn

Sweet Madelyn is just over a year and was so smiley during her photo session, she did great! Her outfits were so much fun and really added character to her photographs. I LOVED her brown hat, if you couldn't tell, she just looks so sweet and precious in it.

Brian & Natalie

Could these two get any cuter?

As you can tell they had a lot of fun taking pictures once they warmed up to me :) It's not always the most comforting feeling having someone take pictures of you and showing emotion to the one you love... I think they did great though! It's all about making them comfortable and getting them to trust me.

These pictures really captured their personalities and who they are as a couple!

Oh and we couldn't forget BRUNO!! :)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Morrissette Boys

The Morrissette boys were so entertaining to photography. They were very social and not afraid of the camera. Towards the end of the shoot we headed to the playground where we were able to capture some fun photos that really show their personality!
Here are a few pictures from their photo session...

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Jack's the man!

Jack's the man! He was so much fun to shoot and loved to play in the leaves. Here are a few of the great shots we captured.