Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Please visit my new website/blog as this blog will no longer be updated.


Add this new address to your blog list & please continue to follow my work!
Hope you all enjoy the updates :)

-Holly Gannett

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

18 month Ella!

I can't believe Ella is already a year in a half! I just blows my mind watching her grow and how much she has changed. This photo shoot was a bit interesting... she NEVER stopped moving and would hardly look at the camera. She was giving me attitude in a playful cute way at times and then at others being a little monster, cute monster that is :) (I only say this because she is my daughter and I am allowed to haha). I actually thought I was going to have to reshoot her because of how terrible I thought the shoot went but I was pleasantly surprised!

Check out my Sweet little terror, Ella, at 18 months...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Kaleb Brough

I just wanted to share a photo session that took place early December. Kaleb's Aunt surprised his mom and dad with photos by me for a Christmas gift so I so I had to keep them a secret :)

Kaleb was such a joy to photograph. He was very energetic and has such a cute smile. She is quite the little charmer! We ran around in a big open field, played on the playground and played tag.

His whole family had wonderful things to say and were very pleased that I was able to get him to capture his bubbly personality. Check out this adorable little guy....