Monday, December 28, 2009

custom holiday cards revealed

Here are the custom holiday cards I did this year, all the photographs are also done by me :) I ended up doing these pretty last minute, but I got a great turn out. Hopefully next year I can start earlier and do even more...

tri-fold card (inside)
tri-fold card (outside)

This was Tyler's Announcement / Bellew's christmas card, I love how it shows a little bit of everything from the newborn photo shoot!

I hope you guys enjoyed! I really LOVE doing cards/ announcements and invitations like these.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Here are a few pictures I took for my husband, since he is overseas on Christmas :( Thought it would cheer him up if he was able to see Ella in her Christmas dress he helped pick out!

Thank you everyone for all your support this year, I look forward to working with you in the future :) Can't wait for summer time!! Pictures on the beach will be tons of fun...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Andrew & Robyn Powers

This past weekend I met up with Andrew and Robyn at this great park in town. The park had so many great spots to take pictures with a wide variety of backgrounds.

I definitely have to take a different approach when photographing couples rather than children... it's a nice change, I just have to stop myself from making funny faces and sounds to get their attention haha.

Robyn and Andrew were great to photograph. They were up for anything and wanted to try as many poses as possible. We had a lot of fun, playing on the playground to more serious poses. The weather was great, a bit chilly towards the end but the lighting couldn't of been better.

There session was set up somewhat last minute and I was unable to find someone to watch Ella and of course Tobin was out of town so they were fine with me bringing Ella along. I was a little nervous but kept telling myself she would do great, and she did :) She loved watching them and playing on the playground as I shot away. Thanks again Robyn and Andrew for not minding she tagged along!

The pictures turned out great and I was able to give them many options. Here are a few from the shoot.....

Conklin Family

This past weekend I met with the Conklin Family. There family consisted of their little girl Madison (5 months), Bradley (their dog) and mom and dad :)

It looked like such a nice day but WOW was it a little chilly. They did great though. Bradley was very excited and Madison could not of been any cuter with her adorable hat with the big red bow, I just loved it! Bradley seemed to be Madison's best friend, she could not get enough of him :) Towards the end of the session we decided to head to their house for a few shots of Madison inside where it was warmer and where she would be more comfortable.

Here are a few photos from their session...

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Baby Ballew

Oh my how should I start? First off I am very fortunate that Eric and Renee were interested in me photographing their NEWBORN! Baby Ballew, also known as Tyler Ballew, was only 11 days old when I visited them at their home. I made sure and set aside extra time for the session since babies. let a lone newborns, are very unpredictable and have lots of needs to take care of...

As you can see from the results of the photographs below the session went wonderful! I honestly could not of been happier. When I started editing tyler's photos I was giddy, yes giddy. I really wanted to capture that NEWBORN essence because a lot of people don't think to do it and within weeks they are not newborns anymore. They are only this little for a very short period of time.

We took a bundle of the photos and created a Christmas card/announcement for Tyler all in one and it turned out great, I will post it once the holidays are over :)

Hope everyone enjoys the photos!!

kisses from mommy

*I wanted to make sure and capture a few really good photos of Mommy and Tyler since they had mentioned that they had many pictures with everyone else except for mom.
Calming Tyler down

mommy & Tyler
Tyler's wonderful room