Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Andrew & Robyn Powers

This past weekend I met up with Andrew and Robyn at this great park in town. The park had so many great spots to take pictures with a wide variety of backgrounds.

I definitely have to take a different approach when photographing couples rather than children... it's a nice change, I just have to stop myself from making funny faces and sounds to get their attention haha.

Robyn and Andrew were great to photograph. They were up for anything and wanted to try as many poses as possible. We had a lot of fun, playing on the playground to more serious poses. The weather was great, a bit chilly towards the end but the lighting couldn't of been better.

There session was set up somewhat last minute and I was unable to find someone to watch Ella and of course Tobin was out of town so they were fine with me bringing Ella along. I was a little nervous but kept telling myself she would do great, and she did :) She loved watching them and playing on the playground as I shot away. Thanks again Robyn and Andrew for not minding she tagged along!

The pictures turned out great and I was able to give them many options. Here are a few from the shoot.....

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